About Nicole
Media Package
Nicole Fevrier Davis is available for
Sample television appearance links:
The Doctors: https://www.thedoctorstv.com/videos/the-connection-between-your-core-and-your-love-life
WTNH NEWS CHANNEL 8: https://www.wtnh.com/?submit=&s=Nicole+Fevrier+Davis
Nicole's Reel: https://youtu.be/W82nXmpwKXQ
eBella Magazine: https://www.ebellamag.com/taking-charge-of-your-wellness
Nicole Fevrier Davis is a mind, body, and soul expert, a National Academy of Sports Medicine certified Personal Trainer, NASM Behavior Specialist, Lifetime Metabolic Technician, Master Healer, and Medical Intuitive who blends the physical and spiritual worlds for ultimate and lasting healing, health, and healthy weight. She has spent 36 years developing unique qualities and skills that bring better mental, spiritual, and physical health to her clients and students. Nicole's approach blends the science of the body with the language of the soul to unlock powerful mind body wisdom for the clarity and peace that produce optimal results.
Nicole is the CEO of TruthofYou.org, MindBody Mastery LLC, Jesus Dove Foundation Corp (a 501c3 dedicated to living God's Will and Jesus Will on the planet earth in support of other churches) and the product branch My Whole Heart and Soul , and the Jesus Dove Foundation Corp. a non-profit church and healing ministry. Nicole has dedicated over 36 years to the study and research of mind, body, soul, and spirit connection which led her to create these companies. These companies are specifically aligned with God's Will for all human souls to live happier and healthier lives. Nicole uses her spiritual background as a minister as well as her unique approach to identify root causes of disease, weight gain, muscular imbalance, metabolic dysfunction among other mind, body, soul issues. Once these issues have been identified Nicole uses her signature treatments like Truth Talking with the Body, Healing Soul Readings, and Personalized Conscious Body Training in her paradigm shifting course the HEALING, HEALTH, AND HEALTHY WEIGHT SUCCESS course to help her clients attain their goals and empower their souls. Nicole feels this approach is crucial to living a holistically happy and fulfilling lifestyle, not just a way to lose weight or get fit.
Nicole has appeared as both a mind-body expert and a fitness expert on national and local television shows including The Doctors, New York Live (NBC), WTNH NEWS 8, CT STYLE, and FOXCT News. She has also written Fit Body articles for holistic magazine Natural Awakenings, LoHud Journal News Westchester, The Citizen News, Poughkeepsie Journal’s “Living and Being” section as well as eBella magazine. Nicole also frequently speaks at conferences and expos nationwide and has written mind-body workshops for spas and holistic centers, caregivers, and the New Milford Hospital
located in her home state of Connecticut.
Nicole is certified by accredited institutions such as NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine) and AFAA (Aerobic and Fitness Association of America). She is also a certified Pilates instructor (Kane Core School), Lifetime metabolic technician, and a NASM Behavior Change Specialist.