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recommend you listen to the meditation every day at least once a day for 21 Days

to 6 Weeks for best results. The changes will be subtle at first, which is important

to not disrupt the soul's sense of balance but you will find it easier to create new healthier habits and feel a striking difference from how you used to function.

Each meditation has:

Soothing led visualizations

Jesus Energy Infused 

Soothing meditative music

Angel Guidance





Shades of White Stone

The Science Behind

The Weight Loss Meditations

Each meditation will work on subconscious and conscious levels and replicates how I might conduct a one on one Superconscious conversation (that costs a lot more). The Angels ask that you strive to be in a place of no opinion, and allow your Self and your mind to change as your soul sees fit. It is recommended that you listen to one meditation at least once a day for 21 days (and up to 6 weeks) to create the greatest results. Once the 21 days have been completed, journal about how you have changed, how much weight you've lost, and then follow up with the Making Peace With Weight Loss meditation to continue your progress.


Each time you meditate with these tracks you are healing your soul, creating new neurosynaptic connections for better and better physiological functioning. These meditations will improve serotonin, endorphin, GABA, oxytocin, dopamine, and cortisol levels among other hormones and gut microbiomes naturally. These are essential to overall health and weight balance.


Do not be dismayed if you find that another negative emotion erupts during your experience with Making Peace with Weight Loss. It is possible that you may be dealing with layers of emotions that have compromised your weight and your health. Click on the emotion oracle again and continue with the new meditation to transform the next emotion for your weight loss process.


Finally, I would love it if you could journal about your experiences and if you have any interesting results or observations please write to me or contact me through the submission form after you've listened for 21 days. Also indicate if you would like to share your results and experiences. This "sharing" will help our collective human mind to evolve passed the suffering timeline into a place of balance and peace for the evolution of our kind. And again, Thank You for your participation!! May god bless you! Nicole

The Soul Side of The Weight Loss Meditations

These 24 to 30 minute led meditations were spoken exactly as the Angels have asked me to speak them. Every meditation indicates step by step processes, and provided specific visuals and affirmations. The Angels started with "Create a sanctuary in the mind...". I prayed while I worked to assist in the transformative process. At certain points I felt the Christ's vibration every time a word or sentence struck an energetic alignment with God's truth. 


My intention is for these meditations to provide you with the mind support your body needs in order to create healthier practices and habits. I hope to take the anxiety, pain, and suffering out of your weight health journey and replace it with the ease and grace with which you were born to exist. This is my prayer and hope for you.. Peace in every way so that you can live your life focused on the people and life events in the most fulfilling way God had always intended for you.


Copyright 2004 Nicole Fevrier Davis and All Rights Reserved.

All Contents on the site are protected by US Copyright Laws and are the property of Nicole Fevrier Davis. Copying, reproducing, publishing, displaying or modifying such content is expressly prohibited unless given

written permission by Nicole Fevrier Davis.

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